
From 11-14 April 2024, the dance performance Bird Dances will grace the Festsaal of Sophiensaele. This new work features short solos by four dancers whose own biographies intertwine with the stories of four kinds of birds, all of whom spend their lives at least partially in Europe: the marsh warbler, the nightingale, the red kite, and so-called “vagrant birds” i.e. bird species that appear in areas far removed from their actual habitat. The inter-related danced monologues are punctuated with movement material drawn from the workshops and costume.
photo Gedvile Tamosiunaite
Latest Works

Spring 2022
No More Suffering
In their upcoming premiere, Martin Hansen and Kareth Schaffer explore cultural and physical narratives of suffering

Spring 2024
Bird Dances
A three-part choreographic project about birds and people